Getting ready for Wednesday’s class: The MacDonald case, Hacks/Hackers and more

There will be a lot of moving parts to our class this Wednesday, Feb. 15. I ask that everyone show up on time and be aware of what we’re going to be doing so that we can use our time together as efficiently as possible.

  • At 5:30 p.m. we’ll meet in our usual location, 148 Holmes. We will have a brief opening, some business and a presentation by Wen Lei.
  • At 6:15 we will leave for 220 Shillman. We’re going to sit in on a meeting of Hacks/Hackers Boston sponsored by the School of Journalism and Google Play Newsstand. Speakers will deliver lightning talks on projects they’re working on. You can find out more by clicking here.
  • The event is supposed to end at 7:30 or 8. We will return to 148 at that time and discuss the presentations — what we liked, what we didn’t.

What this means is that we won’t have a chance to discuss the MacDonald case and Janet Malcolm’s book. I think that’s all right. In your syllabus you will find two readings from two very different points of view: my review of Errol Morris’ “A Wilderness of Error” and Gene Weingarten’s profile of Brian Murtagh, who prosecuted MacDonald and maintains that he is guilty. I think you will find that those articles will give you a deeper understanding of what Malcolm is writing about.

You will also find the assignment for next Wednesday, Feb. 22, in the syllabus. I will post something more specific later, but please keep in mind the following guidelines: make deadline; make sure all proper names are spelled correctly; try to write a strong headline; and concentrate on making this a piece of journalistic writing, with a lede that grabs the reader. Write for an audience, not just for me.